Focus Area
Freight/Commercial Vehicle Management and Operations
Submitting On Behalf Of
Other: CTSO Freight Operations Subcommittee
Critical - High Priority
$100,000 - 249,000
1 - 2 years
Type of Research
Full Research Project
Date Posted
Jul 13, 2024
Not Funded

Research Description

The objective of this research is to identify strategies to harmonize the communications of key information between States and carriers with valid oversize/overweight permits to improve the efficiency and safety of the permitted trips. This project will achieve its objective by: • Identifying the needed communications to improve the efficiency and safety of oversize/overweight permitted trips. • Defining the current state of practice and the gaps that can be addressed to harmonize the communications between States and industry. • Defining strategies that States with different sets of tools and capabilities can undertake to harmonize communications.

The project to harmonize strategies for communication information is needed to understand and document the needs for States and industry to communicate critical information for oversize/overweight permitted trips. Harmonizing this communication among States will improve the industry’s ability to receive, understand and act upon the information. In addition, the tools that States and industry have available for communicating this information have improved, such that it may be possible for States to communicate critical information that is specific to a permit holder, both pre-trip and en-route. How improved communications may be used and harmonized will also be explored.

The rules and requirements for oversize/overweight loads can be imposed by several entities within each State with the location and availability of that information not readily available. For example, the requirements imposed by different entities within a State may be published on different web sites. A trip for an over dimensional vehicle can also be impacted by a range of temporary conditions such as unplanned maintenance activities, weather, and emergencies. The impacts could require changes in routing, trip timing, and specific instructions to navigate restrictions. Communications of these conditions can prepare commercial vehicle operators for planning and making their trips safety and efficiently. However, how States share this information with permit holders varies. Additionally, States may vary in the information they share.

This research will identify different levels of harmonized communications that ensure support different State capabilities and support States effectively disseminating to industry the information considered essential for the safe and efficient movement of oversize/overweight loads.

While other harmonization efforts have addressed aligning the permitting requirements, this effort focuses on harmonizing communications so that carriers can be aware of and comply with requirements and make safe and efficient choices for their trips.

State commercial vehicle permit staff may use the results of this research to identify the gaps between their existing communications with industry and what is needed, as well as to identify how other states have addressed those gaps. They may also use the research to identify strategies to support their efforts to harmonize communications.

Implementation will include an outreach component at the conclusion of the research. The purpose of the outreach is to educate national practitioners regarding the findings and how they may alter strategies for TSMO deployment. Materials can be developed for sharing with the National Operations Center of Excellence for reference for practitioners, and webinar training can be developed based on the findings to increase awareness.

Additional Supporting Information

Harmonization of communications between States and industry was selected as the highest priority of the Third Phase of the permit harmonization efforts during the workshop conducted by the CTSO Freight Operations Subcommittee and Specialized Carrier and Rigging Association. The previous two phases have yielded several positive outcomes, including documenting and advancing the harmonization of size, escort, flagging, operation hours and other permit issues.

Submitted By
Matt Weatherford
Athey Creek Consultants


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