Focus Area
Freight/Commercial Vehicle Management and Operations
Submitting On Behalf Of
Other: CTSO Freight Operations Subcommittee
Critical - High Priority
$100,000 - 249,000
1 - 2 years
Type of Research
Full Research Project
Date Posted
Jul 13, 2024
Not Funded

Research Description

The objective of this research is to harmonize and improve the communications between States with respect to information relevant to freight operations. This project will achieve the objective by: • Identifying the needed and available types of information relevant to freight operations that are beneficial for States to share with its neighbors. • Determining the state of communications among States and identifying practical strategies built upon existing capabilities and technologies. • Providing States with tools to use to gather support for and guide improved communications among states. • Tracking harmonization efforts and identifying next steps to continue harmonization efforts.

States frequently have events, incidents, and emergencies that impact freight operations. The impacts can often be felt in neighboring States, and affect goods being moved from or into the impacted State. The need to share interstate information is important in order to ensure freight moves safely and efficiently.

The pandemic and the need to move essential goods resulted in changes in some rules and regulations, and also in how those rules and regulations were interpreted by different States. It created new challenges for interstate goods movement in moving over dimensional loads across multiple states. It also heightened awareness of the importance of harmonized communication among States.

However, challenges for States and industry arise when events in one state impact trips coming from its neighbors. If States are made aware of these impacts, they may alter whether and how they route permitted vehicles crossing borders. For example, if Nebraska knows of a road closure, or temporary restrictions across the border in Iowa, it may route permits headed that direction on roads that avoid the event. This can save trucks in travel and help them avoid being stranded or significantly delayed.

Communications among States may also include emergencies, weather, availability of services, and changes in regulations, in particular. During a national or local emergency, a State may alter restrictions or permitting rules to support the movement of essential goods.

The project will identify the information that can improve freight operations safety and efficiency when shared among neighboring States. The research will also identify strategies for sharing useful information in a harmonized, timely, effective way, and support the adoption of strategies to improve communications. Currently, each State establishes its own restriction information and disseminates that to their permit holders, either through the permit process, or through other traveler information tools.

Additional Supporting Information

While there has been research and efforts on defining strategies for sharing traveler information in corridors, there is little focus on information for freight operations. This project not only addresses the need to identify the freight operations information that needs to be shared, but identifies strategies for doing so.

Submitted By
Matt Weatherford
Athey Creek Consultants


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