Focus Area
Transportation Systems Management & Operations
Submitting On Behalf Of
TRB Committee on Freeway Operations
Important - Medium Priority
$250,000 - 499,000
1 - 2 years
Type of Research
Full Research Project
Date Posted
Jul 14, 2024
Not Funded

Research Description

As Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) technology advances, the collaboration between Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), suppliers, and Infrastructure Owners and Operators (IOOs) becomes increasingly critical. OEMs and suppliers need specific infrastructure data to optimize vehicle performance and safety. Simultaneously, IOOs need to share relevant data to ensure seamless integration and operation of CAVs on public roads. This research aims to determine the precise data needs of both parties to improve overall transportation operations.

Additional Supporting Information

Research aims to learn the following: 1. Identify the types of infrastructure data that OEMs and suppliers need for the development and operation of CAVs. 2. The specific data that IOOs need to share to support the effective deployment and functioning of CAVs. 3. The challenges and barriers in data sharing between OEMs, suppliers, and IOOs. 4. The potential benefits of improved data sharing for traffic management, safety, and efficiency.

The benefits of this research include: 1. Enhanced Vehicle Performance: Understanding the data needs of OEMs and suppliers can improve the performance and safety of CAVs. 2. Improved Traffic Management: Effective data sharing can enhance traffic flow and reduced congestion. 3. Increased Safety: Sharing critical infrastructure data can help prevent accidents and improve road safety. 4. Informed Decision Making: The findings can guide policymakers and stakeholders in developing strategies for data sharing and collaboration. 5. Technological Advancements: Insights from the research can drive innovations in CAV technology and infrastructure management.

Submitted By
Jim Katsafanas
Michael Baker International


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