Focus Area
Transportation Systems Management & Operations
Submitting On Behalf Of
TRB Committee on Freeway Operations
Important - Medium Priority
$100,000 - 249,000
1 - 2 years
Type of Research
Full Research Project
Date Posted
Jul 15, 2021
Not Funded

Research Description

Integration of 3rd party data into advanced traffic management systems (ATMS) was not a new thing as many Traffic Management Center (TOC) nationwide already adopt 3rd party data either from data service providers, such as INRIX, Here and TomTom, or from cloud source partnership ,such as WAZE. In general, 3rd party data had been used in TOC majorly on • Being a part of ATMS software (normally via living probe data) in supporting Traffic Incident Management (TIM) • Off event (incident / construction) evaluation • Corridor operation studies

However, there are still limitations and improvement spaces via further research and development, at least at the following territories • Adaption of new probe data sources, such as Wejo data, similar like Connected Vehicle data, with further on-board event data. • Integration and fusion of 3rd party probe data with traditional DOT data such as freeway roadside detection data • Incorporation of 3rd party data with developing decision supporting system (DSS) with advanced data automation and intelligent algorithms, such as • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence • Supporting real-time application scenarios simulation • Supporting Connected and Automated Vehicles operations

Additional Supporting Information


Submitted By
Jim Katsafanas
Michael Baker International


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