Focus Area
Transportation Systems Management & Operations
Submitting On Behalf Of
TRB Committee on Freeway Operations
Important - Medium Priority
$500,000 - 749,000
1 - 2 years
Type of Research
Full Research Project
Date Posted
Jul 14, 2024
Not Funded

Research Description

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) has the potential to dramatically improve road safety by reducing crashes and serious injuries. ADAS technologies use a suite of sensors to detect and respond to obstacles or other drivers along the roadways. These technologies include features such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance, automatic emergency braking, and blind-spot detection. With each passing year Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) have been bringing to market a plethora of ADAS applications to improve driver safety and comfort. The objective of this study is to quantify the benefits of ADAS technologies along freeway systems.

Additional Supporting Information

This study will help answer the following research questions: • What is the impact of ADAS technologies to improve driver safety and transportation efficiency? • How do ADAS technologies contribute to reduction in driver fatigue and/or driver distraction? • What are the Operational Design Domains (ODDs) that have a significant benefit for freeway operations and safety? • Are there areas wherein the performance of ADAS can be improved with connectivity? • What are the potential long-term benefits of widescale adoption of ADAS technologies? • What specific ADAS features that have the most significant impact on safety?

The findings of this research can help inform the tangible benefits of ADAS to reduce crashes and serious injuries and also point to areas of further improvement by the widescale adoption of ADAS on freeway systems. Additional benefits of this research include:

1. Improved Road Safety: By identifying the most effective ADAS features, we can enhance vehicle safety standards and reduce the number of road accidents. 2. Informed Policy Making: The findings can guide policymakers in developing regulations and standards for ADAS technologies. 3. Enhanced Public Awareness: Educating the public about the benefits and limitations of ADAS can lead to more informed decisions when purchasing vehicles. 4. Technological Advancements: Insights from the research can drive further innovations in ADAS technologies, leading to safer and more reliable autonomous vehicles.

Submitted By
Jim Katsafanas
Michael Baker International


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