Focus Area
Emergency Management/Transportation Security
Submitting On Behalf Of
TRB Committee on RTSMO
Critical - High Priority
$500,000 - 749,000
1 - 2 years
Type of Research
Full Research Project
Date Posted
Jul 10, 2024
Not Funded

Research Description


The systems, data sets, and technology required to operate our transportation system are increasingly becoming regional, multi-regional, and multi-State. While individual infrastructure owners and operators can focus on hardening their systems/ITS against cyberattacks, integrating/connecting systems across jurisdictional/agency/modal boundaries increases the complexity of ensuring system security and planning responses, the risks, and the impacts of events. This research would focus on interagency coordination and cooperation to identify and manage cybersecurity risks to connected/integrated systems, identify potential regional impacts, and support plans for mitigating disruptions to regional (or multi-region, multi-State) system operations.

Relationship to Existing Research

This research could build from a current FHWA project out of the Office of Operations, Cybersecurity for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Best Practices Development. The objectives for this project are to 1) to develop procurement information for cybersecurity requirements for ITS equipment, 2) define the requirements and prototype a software tool that enables state and local transportation infrastructure owner/operators to help identify their vulnerabilities in their ITS equipment. The research could take as a starting point a few of the example practices mentioned in the FHWA brochure from 2021: Cybersecurity Practices related to the Coordination of TSMO and IT:

Additional Supporting Information

Submitted on behalf of the Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations Committee subcommittee on Planning and Organizing for Operations.

Submitted by: Thomas H. Jacobs, co-Chair, Regional TSMO Research Subcommittee

Submitted By
Thomas Jacobs
Center for Advanced Transportation Technology


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