Focus Area
Transportation Systems Management & Operations
Submitting On Behalf Of
AASHTO Committee on TSO
Important - Medium Priority
$250,000 - 499,000
Under 1 year
Type of Research
Full Research Project
Date Posted
Jul 15, 2021

Research Description

The Transportation Operations Manual (NCHRP 03-126) is nearing completion and should be published soon. To support the implementation of the Transportation Operations Manual, this project would categorize and organize the existing case studies gathered by the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) to align with the Transportation Operations Manual and would identify best practices for each topic area based on the case studies, CTSO best practices webinar series, and other industry resources. The project will identify gaps between the existing body of knowledge already gathered by the NOCoE and the Transportation Operations Manual chapters and fill those gaps through gathering of additional case studies and best practices. The resulting product would be a digital best practices guide that would support the Transportation Operations Manual chapters with practical real-world examples and best practices. Once the framework for the best practices guide is established, it will continue to be updated through the NOCoE’s ongoing work in gathering case studies and best practices.

Additional Supporting Information

A CTSO task force is currently working on scope for the project that will be useful in developing the NCHRP problem statement.

Submitted By
Galen McGill
Oregon Department of Transportation


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