Focus Area
ITS Technologies
Submitting On Behalf Of
TRB Committee on Freeway Operations
Critical - High Priority
$250,000 - 499,000
1 - 2 years
Type of Research
Full Research Project
Date Posted
Aug 12, 2023
Not Funded

Research Description

Wrong way driving is a national problem. There is no consistent way to evaluate performance measures of wrong way driving technologies or consistency on how WWD hotspots can be identified. The effectiveness of WWD countermeasures is not well understood since there is no consistency nationally on how they can and should be evaluated.

Develop a national user manual/methodology to determine WWD hotspots that is robust and can be utilized by state, regional, and local agencies. Determine the most effective countermeasures (technology and passive treatments) and their benefit/cost analyses so agencies can be informed before they invest in these technologies

Additional Supporting Information

What we hope to learn: ● How to best determine Wrong Way Driving (WWD) hotspots and what types of data are needed to determine these WWD hotspots (crash data, non-crash data such as WWD citations, 911 calls, Traffic Management Center logs, design parameters and configurations, traffic volumes, …) ● The best and most effective countermeasures that can reduce the WWD risk and how to evaluate them ● Consistent method to evaluate the effectiveness of various WWD countermeasures ● Understand the causes and behavior of wrong way driving

Submitted By
Jim Katsafanas
Michael Baker International


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