Latest Ideas

Created Focus Area Idea Rating Status
08/12/2023 ITS Technologies Wrong Way Driving (WWD) - Determination of WWD Hotspots and Most Effective Countermeasures Not Funded
08/12/2023 Transportation Systems Management & Operations Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabled Pilot for NOCoE Knowledge Center Funded
08/12/2023 Traffic Analysis and Management Tools Model-Based Business intelligence Support of Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) Not Funded
07/26/2023 Transportation Systems Management & Operations TSMO Strategy Effectiveness Clearinghouse Funded
07/18/2023 Transportation Systems Management & Operations Designing, Procuring, Managing, and Integrating A New Software Subsystem Within an Evolving Traffic Management System Funded
07/18/2022 Transportation Systems Management & Operations Issues in expanding the focus of ICM from corridors to regions Not Funded
07/18/2022 Transportation Systems Management & Operations Determine what infrastructure data OEM/suppliers desire Not Funded
07/16/2022 Transportation Systems Management & Operations TSMO Laboratory Concept Development Not Funded
07/15/2022 Transportation Systems Management & Operations Data Management Plans and Practices for TMSs and Data Subsystems to Meet the Current and Evolving TMS Needs Not Funded
07/11/2022 Transportation Systems Management & Operations Using Data to Communicate Benefits of TSMO Strategies Funded
07/11/2022 Transportation Systems Management & Operations Bridging the Gap Between Data and Benefits of TSMO Strategies Not Funded
01/29/2022 Emergency Management/Transportation Security Operational Adjustments to Proposed Alternate, and Evacuation Routes In Response to Event Factors Not Funded
07/16/2021 Organizing for and Leading Operations Key skills required as we move into the next generation of traffic management systems Not Funded
07/16/2021 Organizing for and Leading Operations Sharing crowd-sourced traffic data among agencies and private companies  Not Funded
07/16/2021 Transportation Systems Management & Operations Decision support system (DSS) automation for integrated corridor management (ICM) Not Funded